
Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Brits Prefer Car Hire over Public Transport When Holidaying Abroad

Brits who travel abroad would rent a car rather than use public transport to get around when on holiday, according to new research. As many as 58 percent of Brits questioned cited numerous reasons why they would choose car rental over trains, trams and tubes when holidaying, including safety, language issues and comfort.
• 58 percent of Brits would hire a car than use public transport when abroad
• 21 percent find foreign public transport systems too confusing to use
• 22 percent use a hire car on holiday due to the language barrier
• The adventurous over 55’s site less concerns than the youngsters when getting around aboard via public transport
Confusing transport systems along with not being able to speak the mother tongue topped the list of reasons for shying away from public transport and renting a car instead. Being unable to find their way around public transport systems followed.

Interestingly, youngsters seem to be far less confident about using public transport than the more adventurous older generations. Only 12 percent of over 55-year-olds cited concerns over the safety of public transport compared to almost 22 percent of those between 18 and 24. As many as 27 percent of younger travellers were worried about getting lost, but the well-travelled and fearless over 55s are not so anxious, with only 16 percent having concerns over losing their way.

Even when it comes to comfort the more mature adults would happily take a bumpy ride, with only 14 percent saying this was an issue with public transport compared to more youthful holiday makers.

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